Wednesday, February 6

Alex's Igloo

This last month we had an awesome snow storm hit us in Cottage Grove. We are not accostomed to this kind of snow but it sure was fun! Alex put together this igloo from the storm with the help of some friends. He did quite the stellar job as the contractor for this project. In fact, as you can see he used pretty much every once of snow we had on our property. It was big enough to fit all of the kids inside, it was great fun for all. In fact, about the only remains of snow on our block is the little bit of leftovers on the front lawn.The tub in the picture above provided the blocks used for the foundation. Alex would fill the tub and pack it tight and then stack the blocks one on another to create the outside. It wasn't possible to make a great roof for the igloo, it just wasn't cold enough to freeze. So Tom McCormick from the camp came over and used plywood to make the foundation for the roof and stack snow on top of that. Like I told Alex, a good contractor knows how to sub-contract to the right guys.

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